Pilot mentoring

Qualified to fly but lacking confidence or some knowledge not covered in training? We are more than happy to mentor you.


Most PPL(A) holders who do not aspire to become commercial pilots, sooner or later find out that various aspects of practical flying had not been covered in their training. These typically include:

  • planning and executing a flight over the sea or mountains;
  • filing a flight plan and using online flight planning resources;
  • flying abroad.

Another thing is that most flying skills are perishable and confidence (to fly, to use controlled airspace, to cross mountains, to fly across water) is the first thing to go after the licence issue.

How do I go about this?

Get in touch with us! Depending on your circumstances we can offer:

  • informal mentoring by a Flight Instructor or a Class Rating Instructor;
  • formal training by the above instructors if required for a licence/rating renewal;
  • aircraft rental for solo flights (subject to a satisfactory check-out flight);
  • flying sharing and group fly-outs when a number of aircraft fly to the same destination;
  • biennial flight with a FI(A)/CRI to revalidate the SEP(L) rating by experience;
  • lots of fun associated with all of the above.