Save the date(s): the first ever Open Day of the Westwings Flight School will take place on 6th or 13th April Read More ...

Anyone can fly
Take your friends and family up in the air and travel further and faster than ever. Anyone can learn to fly.
Yes, really. Basic flying skills can be mastered by anyone and many will say that flying is a simpler activity than driving. The reason why the private pilot course is longer than the driving licence course is safety – a pilot is trained to react appropriately in various emergency situations, while the driver is not.
Another caveat is that individuals differ in their learning capacity and while it is possible for anyone to learn to fly to the private pilot standard, some may take significantly longer than others. If you would like to find out whether this is for you, book an Air Experience flight with us today. If you decide to take up a flying course, it can be put in your pilot’s logbook and will count towards your minimum hours!
It’s all relative, but learning to fly for business and pleasure does not have to be expensive. If you plan to fly with max. 4 people, in a simple single-engine aircraft, and only in good visibility, then the Light Aircraft Pilot Licence may be the best choice for you. A full pilot qualification, recognised throughout the EU, may only be €4,500 (20,000 zł) away. See more details on the dedicated LAPL(A) page.